Dinners With Augie World Premier!

Dinners With Augie opens Friday July 15th, and runs Fridays and Saturdays until August 6th at the Geery Theater, located at 2130 “L” Street.  Shows start at 8pm.  Tickets are $10.  Give us a call at 916-730-2192 for box office information.  Visit Augie on Facebook!

Dinners With Augie

Dinners With Augie at the Geery Theater

Dinners With Augie is the story of Arthur Valentine, Danielle Signorello, and Dr. Tom Mauro.  Arthur is an elderly man, a patient of Dr. Mauro’s; Dani is his nurse.  Arthur must finally confront his own mortality.  As he examines his life, he remembers a dog he and his wife had — Augie — and how much that dog meant to them.   Arthur comes to realize how caring for another being, even a dog, has tremendous potential for spiritual growth.     Dani and Dr. Mauro help Arthur understand the true context of that experience.

The show stars Jeff Webster as Arthur, April Maylene as Dani, and Cameron Johnson as Dr. Tom Mauro.  Directed by Leo McElroy.

Hope to see you there!

Author’s Notes:

I have to say that a year ago I really didn’t have any idea that all this would happen.   A lot of fun, but a lot of work as well. Last June about this time I was working with a small cast for a reading of my first play, Dinners With Augie.   Now I have a cast, director, crew and a theater for that very same play!  Three very talented actors — Jeff Webster, April Maylene, and Cameron Johnson — and a great director, Leo McElroy.  Audrey Kerster is my stage manager.  Mary Casey’s poster artwork is incredible, the Geery Theater is a marvelous venue.  It is all good! Many thanks for Gary Agid and the Playwright’s Collaborative for all their help and support.

Historical sidenote: the Geery was also known as the “Show Below” and was designed by Ivan Sandoval (now deceased), one of Sacramento’s great musical talents.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!



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