Friday night I went to see Proof at the Big Idea Theater. Like I’ve said before, this blog is not about reviewing plays as such, it’s about me attending a play and trying to express my observations from a (novice) playwright’s perspective. But those observations come with a price, which is to say my objectivity, such as it is, has a measure of bias.
A simple stage, a story, and four actors. The story line behind Proof is not simple, but the premise is (I won’t spoil it for you). What we see here is a family dealing with some dire consequences, and some dysfunctions that grow out their individual perspectives on what they had to sacrifice to achieve their ends. They are, like all of us, trapped by time and circumstance. And of course they sacrafice the very thing we all sacrafice: their dreams. Which is to say, their hopes for what they could be. So they suffer; sometimes they console themselves with the notion it was all for the best and sometimes they don’t. In that sense the story is universal.
The emotional content was intense but balanced. Dialog was terse, and increibly sufficient. No nonsense, nothing contrived, devoid of self-indulgence. The actors were 100% in the moment, every inflection was correct, every facial expression, right down to their breathing. And in all of the emotional chaos, the turns of the story, the rhythm of the thing was transparent, totally accessible.
As it so happens I’ve seen the movie, which featured Gweneth Paltrow, Anthony Hopkins, Jake Gyllenhaal and Hope Davis, an incredible class of talent. Well the play at BIG was spot on, and from an acting standpoint had the same impact on me. Per square foot that was one hot stage.
A simple stage, a story, and four actors — amazing really.
Best of luck to cast and crew. Jessica Berkey, Patrick Murphy, Justin Munoz, Kassandra Douglas — excellent performance!
Well that’s it for now. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
Thanks Deb!
Enjoyable read, astute observations. Your “Writer’s Block” is great. Thanks for link. If you and L ever want company when attending a play, give me and Stephen a call! We like going to the theater, but rarely go. (wonder why that is?)