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- The Illustrated Hen: A Novel by Scott Charles
- The Two Headed Dragon by Sean Hoag: notes and comments
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Category Archives: Commentary
This Year’s Disappointments in Politics
The biggest disappointment for me this year wasn’t that Barack Obama is a “socialist” (we knew that, sort of), or that Mr. Obama plays viscous, hard-ball politics (we knew that too) or that he can be devious (also known.) No, the biggest disspointment was how easy it was for the Obama team to make Mitt Romney look like a jackass. Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Belen Fernandez: The Imperial Messager; Thomas Friedman At Work
Before I talk about Belen Fernandez’s book, The Imperial Messenger: Thomas Friedman At Work, I want to relate a story from my childhood. When I was about four years old I was watching a movie on television about the American Civil War. … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Reviews
60 Minutes Interview with President Obama: Notes and Comments
Watching Mr. Obama become president right there in front of Steve Kroft was instructive. Of course he was president before, but I hadn’t really respected that. And of course the wisdom of hindsight, many years, decades or centuries from now will render a verdict that I cannot predict. But in the moment, the here and now, President Obama seemed intelligent, pragmatic, and determined. Not just resolved, but optimistic. The comparison that comes to mind? JFK. As George Will might also say, “of course.” Continue reading
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Antigone: Produced by KOLT Run Creations; notes and comments
My wife and I went to see KOLT Run Creations production of Antigone at the California Stage last Friday. As I said before, I don’t do theater review really, I’m more interested of trying to understand what makes a play … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Plays
Talk Radio: comments and notes
My wife and I went to the Wilkerson Theater last night for the premier of “Talk Radio“. I had been to the Three Penny at the same venue, and Wilkerson is similar; a little bigger but still quite small (maybe … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Plays
Escape From Happines Part II: elements of the play
Last week I went to see “Escape From Happiness” at the Ooley Theater in Midtown. In part I of my analysis I mentioned that the play worked quite well, but I didn’t really explain why. So I thought I would … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Plays
Escape From Happiness: comments and notes.
This blog is not about theater critique, it’s about process. But in the discovery of what works and what doesn’t, sooner or later it will become necessary to render an opinion about a play. I had it my head to … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Plays
Playwright’s Collaborative September 26 Comments: Betty and Lorraine at the Lucky Cafe
The Playwright’s Collaborative was back at the BIT for September 26, with Jack Kisor’s play “Betty and Lorraine at the Lucky Cafe” as the event. Attendance was a little lighter then usual (possibly due to the Ellys), but as usual … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Plays
Playwright’s Collaborative Comments: August 15th and 29th readings
It’s been a few weeks since my last post, lots to catch up on. We’ve had two Playwright’s Collaborative readings, and my 2nd play (“Justice and Injustice”) is scheduled for a reading in December (or sooner if we can get … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Plays
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Mitt Romney: From Jackass to Thoroughbred
Mr. Romney is now talking about God, patriotism, and the American Way. The new message is that America is great because it’s people are great, that we are special, that God loves us. Does that sound familiar? Yep, Ronald Reagan. Continue reading →