Crossfit East Sacramento has a lot of really, really talented athletes. Young, old, big and small. But certain ones catch my attention. There are a couple of young guys, JS and BB in particular. And a couple of young women, AL and LB. All four of them typically perform well; they exhibit tremendous discipline and resolve. They also, at least in the gym, seem to have even temperaments. A marvelous discipline, that.
It does not bother me that they outperform me. I confess I am concerned that the difference is so big. So I need to improve. It occurs to me from time-to-time that they are younger, and have an advantage. Maybe. But I think I can close the gap. However that isn’t the point here.
I am not in the business of predicting the future. That’s beyond my (current) talents. But I can offer up a prediction, a potential.
One day, a very mundane and typical day, full of distractions, and commonness, a day when the regularity of life has shaped expectations into a familiar rhythm, you will encounter someone like you are today. Perhaps 20 years from now, or thirty. It will be totally unexpected. They will be young and strong, striving to master life. And for a moment, or an hour, or if you’re lucky a few days, you will see life through their eyes. You will see yourself in them, and you will be amazed.
I envy you that moment (but in a good way!) Cheers.