Crossfit: the next big thing in crossfit events!

Ha!  I’ve come up with a great idea.  I was at the Sac Throwdown over the weekend, and I was really impressed with the level of athletes that participated.  Of course, they sent the best of their best.  I know Crossfit East Sac did — CFES won the novice and master divisions, and the open team just missed the cut for the top 8 teams for the final event on Sunday.

But I was thinking about it, and I wondered how would we measure the overall success of a crossfit box?  In other words, how would we establish a fitness ratio for each gym?  Well we’d have to measure the fitness of everybody in that gym, allow for time spent, age, weight and etc.  Interesting challenge!

But me being me, I kept thinking about it, and I came up with an idea.  Instead of choosing athletes because we know they are fit, let’s reverse that — let’s pick them randomly!

That’s right: let’s have each Crossfit affiliate who wants to participate submit a list of their members, and then the event team picks their names out of a hat, and we do an event.  Of course we have to work out the individual workouts so that everybody has a chance to finish.  We would still focus on the three main dynamics of fitness: strength, agility and endurance.  But really it’s just a question of allowing enough scaling to create an opportunity, but still maintain the highest level of intensity.

Sounds like a really neat idea, doesn’t it?  Sure it does!  Let’s do this thing.

Well that’s it for now.  Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


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