Nicholas Thurkettle’s writing is finely tuned. Immediate, lyrical, and lean. His work has elements of various American short-story masters — Damon Runyon comes to mind. So does O. Henry. And particularly Ray Bradbury.
In “Stages Of Sleep” Thurkettle offers up 15 stories, some of them are absolutely brilliant and some of them are whimsical and some of them are farcical and far-fetched. All of them are disciplined and well conceived. All of them have a sense of immediacy, and involvement.
He manages to get a tremendous amount of force and emotion in the work without being cloying or reaching too far. And he manages to convey the idea that he really, really, really loves writing. And he manages all this and still avoids the trap of self-indulgence.
Nicholas Thurkettle’s “Stages Of Sleep” is a triumph for self-publishing. Available on Amazon. You can see more of Nicholas Thurkettle on his Twitter page and Facebook page.
Please note that I received a review copy directly from the Author.
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