Category Archives: Crossfit Diaries

Crossfit: it’s not exercise, it’s fitness

… CrossFit is not about exercises, it about a core concept of managing fitness that has three ideas: functional movement, high intensity, and constant variation. Which means any set of physical routines that meets those three criteria is acceptable. CrossFit is therefore 100% pragmatic … Continue reading

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Crossfit: danger zone part 2

The other thing that’s important to realize about CrossFit is the community aspect. It happens within a small group of peers. Individual success becomes celebrated as group success. People are encouraged to achieve — in the safest way possible within the domain of CrossFit methods — their personal best. All the time. In that regard CrossFit is an attitude, not just a set of WODs. Continue reading

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CrossFit: getting to being there

The thing about CrossFit that I really enjoy is that it’s possible to feel 100% grounded during the workout.  By that I mean totally focused on what is going on.  I typically start a WOD by thinking “globally” — what … Continue reading

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Crossfit: the danger zone

At the heart of Crossfit is one huge demand: intensity with a time constraint. It is meant to be brutal and demanding. Yes you can and should scale it — but you don’t reduce the intensity. That alone should be a warning about the nature of CrossFit. Continue reading

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Crossfit: Hope Revisited

I managed to get 127 reps, which is a substantial improvement. But it was ugly: snatches were all muscle, I was leaning into the thrusters, I couldn’t find a rhythm for the chest-to-bars. In other words my form was poor. I was in a hurry and I was not properly focused. Continue reading

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Crossfit: enduring

Some days just finishing is an accomplishment.  I had three workouts last week and two of those brought me to nearly total exhaustion. The first workout consisted of rowing 100m every minute on the minute for 10 minutes.  Simple enough.  It … Continue reading

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Crossfit: peak performance revisited

“Serious” means I have the emotional strength and the mental discipline to actually get better. The question of “serious” always comes down to one thing: the ability to find failure. And get past it. Wherever that leads. Continue reading

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Crossfit: fighting inertia and not quitting

That day we had a tough WOD. We had 3 round at 6 minute each of max reps: 10 burpees 5 deadlifts, 10 wall balls 10 toes-to-bar, 10 kb swings 5 box jumps. So 18 minutes max reps with 1 minute between rounds. I used a 145# bar for the dl, a 44# kb, a 12# wall ball, a 24 inch tire for the box jumps. The good news is that particular WOD is something I could do. I had high expectations. Continue reading

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Crossfit: solo; the ocean of fear

Fear is like standing in near the ocean in the evening. Behind me is a high cliff. The ocean is dark, with whitecaps. The waves are large. I know the water is deep, and unknowable. My task is to swim to the other side. Continue reading

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Crossfit: ego vs. performance revisited

The other day we were practicing power snatches. Which I’m not all that good at.  I thought I understood the move because it was part of the Crossfit Open WODs.  But I could hardly mange it during a recent WOD … Continue reading

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